
Cocktails   Bread   Salad   Mains   Treats   Dessert

There are a bazillion ways to make bread.  Some are too difficult for me (good crossants, for example).  Some, I haven’t mastered to the point where I feel I can productively advise anyone (e.g., a proper baguette).  The recipes I offer here bring me joy, are utterly reliable, and – I’m confident – will make you happy.

This recipe comes from my Danish exchange student/daughter. It’s something her family makes frequently. You might think baking your own crackers is extravagent or a waste of time. Far from it, these crackers are easy to make and a major improvement on anything that’s store-bought.

This recipe comes from Ken Forkish’s book Flour Water Salt Yeast. It requires more technique than the many easier Dutch oven bread recipes, but it’s not difficult to learn or apply. No kneading, either. The reward of this approach is consistently superb bread.